Sunday, October 25, 2009

one month?

WOW.. has it been a month already? We are now 1/3 done with the lecture phase!! Thailand is getting closer and closer and we have been preparing! I hope that you all have been checking the other blog out, because I really haven't been posting on this one as often. As a reminder, the link to the other blog is

Well in my last post I talked about my day of poverty. It was a hard day, I'm not going to lie. I didn't eat much that day because it made the experience that much more realistic. I was hungry and I was cold all day. It was honestly hard to ask people to borrow things all the time. I felt like it was easier to just go without something that I wanted, than to ask someone for it. It really did open my eyes to some of what people who really do have nothing have to deal with daily.
So, most of the stuff that's been going on lately is posted on the other blog, but here are a few stories just for you!

The other day, Janelle and I went to the Fyxx (a coffee place) to work on our book reports and journals. We spent most of the afternoon there. On the way back, a man on the street asked us for a bit of money and as I got some out of my backpack, I asked him a few questions. He told us that he didn't have home and during the winter he just finds a place on the streets to sleep. It broke my heart. His name is Phillip Hart if you could just remember to pray for him, and that he could find a place to stay.

We are introduced to so much of that around here. It's hard to see people like that, and look them in the eye and see their hopelessness. When you take the time to talk to them for a bit or ask them their name, they are just so grateful. One thing that Phillip said to us that stuck in my mind, was, "I respect you, because you respect me." People like him just want to be acknowledged as a human being. So many people just keep walking, and it's easy for us to just say no and move on with our lives. I encourage you to take time to talk with people who are ignored.
So next week is Mission Adventures week! I won't have a computer, cell phone or ipod all week and we are spending a lot of time on the streets doing some urban missions! I'm really excited. I know I'll have a few stories to tell after that week, so be sure to check this after!
OK so we had a speaker awhile ago who's name is Chris Whitler.. and he does a great t-rex impression. Check it out:
It's really funny.

Anyway, I am going to try to write to you guys sooner next time!! And soon, I'll know what the exact outreach amount will be, and how far I am from it. Thanks again to everyone who is supporting me and praying for me. I appreciate it so much. Talk to you all soon! Be sure to leave comments. Have a great week, everyone.

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